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I ate a lot this past week!  And I was most aware of it on my morning run.  It was as if I could feel the dressing and pecan pie trying to pump through my veins and it wasn’t moving very well!

But I wouldn’t change the last week.  It’s Thanksgiving and the holiday season.  For me, there are many traditions and memories centered around food.  We have staples that have been at Thanksgiving dinner for as long as I can remember – dressing, sweet potato casserole, baked pimento cheese, butter beans, corn, pecan pie and pound cake. And, its all about the process of being in the kitchen with my mom and sister making these items and talking about holidays past when the sweet potatoes were burnt or the “new” casserole was tried.  The process, the smells, the taste – so many memories both old and new!

But, eating so many carbs and so much sugar isn’t normal for my body and I can feel the difference in energy level and mental clarity.  So, how do you enjoy these times but not gain 10lbs and crash from the sugar overload? Here are 5 things that help me and may work for you:

1. Know what meals/events will have unhealthy food and plan your other meals that day/week to ensure you eat healthy at the ones you can.  Also, continue your exercise routine throughout the season – this is key!

2. Have a “taste” (smaller portion) of the food. There will be chocolate cake at the next party, you don’t have to eat a year’s worth at 1 event!

3. Drink water before and during the event

4. For those events that are “potluck”, take a dish that is healthy to give you a food to eat and then you can sample the other items in smaller quantities (see #2)

5. Enjoy! Don’t feel guilty when enjoying the tastes and smells of the season – you are there to celebrate and including the guilt will distract from the pleasure of the event.  Make your decisions and then move forward with your plan and celebrating!

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