In my neck of the woods, we are starting to experience the 2nd wave of winter “crude” – flu, colds, sinus infections, etc. I missed the 1st round, even with my husband catching the flu, and I’m working hard to avoid the 2nd! Here are some of the things I’m doing:
1. Taking 1000mg of vitamin C 3-4 times a week
2. Drinking water – 3-4 bottles in this cool new bottle Santa brought me:
3. Eating grapefruit – be mindful when eating fruit – it will cause an increase in blood sugar and you can crash soon after. Eat it with a food that is high in fiber or protein (like cottage chesse)
4. Eating carrots, kale and sweet potatoes as they are high in beta carotene which the body uses to fight respiratory infections
5. Following these other suggestions from my fight against the 1st round of the winter sickness
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