Chocolate, not just for breakfast anymore!

Home » Happiness » Chocolate, not just for breakfast anymore!

Where do I start!?!? So much to say and discuss with my FAVORITE food! There is never a wrong time or place for chocolate in my world. Chocolate milk, chocolate ice cream, chocolate bars, mints, hot chocolate, and the list goes on…..Morning, noon, night and in between!

Why do I love chocolate so much? Well, the obvious, it tastes good. But more than than, it makes me FEEL good. If I’m feeling great and celebrating something exciting, I want to top off that feeling with chocolate. If I’m sad or lonely and want to feel comfort and happier feelings, I eat chocolate for a brief reprieve. A Friday night with no plans turns into a pint of chocolate ice cream? A mid-afternoon realization that your chocolate stash at work is empty sends you begging up & down the hall? You wake up in the morning and don’t know how the chocolate wraps ended up in bed with you? Having a wedding cake (yes, wedding, not groom’s cake) of chocolate, inside and out? Anybody saying “Thats me!”?

Why is this? What about chocolate makes us feel better in so many ways? We are starting to hear all the buzz words about chocolate – dark chocolate is good for you, it helps fight cancer, it is a super food. And we say “Great! a reason to make us feel less guilt when we eat chocolate”.

But what do all those buzz words mean, really? Let’s break it down a little….

Super foods have very high levels of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. They are super concentrated in the levels they contain of these “good for you things” and a condensed way for you to ensure are getting a good dose of them. These antioxidant-rich foods reduce the risk of fatal diseases and boost the immune system. Some are every day foods you’ve most likely eaten or heard of – broccoli, blueberries, maybe even acai. Others are more exotic such as hemp, spiralina, and blue-green alge – say what? But the gist is this, they are foods that are good for you, provide great concentrated nutritional benefits and should be a part of our regular food consumption.

How is this true of chocolate and how is it good for us? According to leading superfood authority David Wolfe, the cacao bean (where chocolate originates) is:

* the highest antioxidant food on the plant
* #1 source of magnesium, iron, and chromium
* balances brain chemistry (evaluating your mood and energy)
* builds strong bones
* is a natural aphrodisiac

So YES!! it is true – chocolate is good for you. Now, let’s clarify this a little. The benefits listed above are for the raw cacao bean. But, let’s be real, how many of us are going to know where to find that, much less actually eat it?? But, we can find chocolate that has been minimally processed and diluted with only a few additives. Organic is preferred as the starting beans will be free of chemicals and pesticides and not GMO. And these are the chocolates we should be eating to get the benefits above. Not the Snickers or Hershey’s, or M&Ms, where when you look at the label there are 25 other ingredients besides chocolate!

Where do you find the “good for you” chocolate? It’s as easy as your grocery store and as fun as local chocolatier (and believe you me we have a phenominal one here in Atlanta, tell you about that later)

In the grocery store, look for it on the candy aisle in the speciality section. You should be able to find bars that have at least 65% chocolate, 70-75% is preferred, with just a few other ingredients such as sugar (unrefined or cane sugar is best) and a few other simple ingredients such as fruit, nuts, etc.

Ahhh, local chocolatiers!! Can you hear the fondness in my voice? My sweet husband spoils me with treats from our local shop, Cacao. The chocolate is hand selected, much less refined and combined with awe inspiring ingredients such as peppermint, almonds, or sea salt (my personal favorite). With treats from truffles, to sea salt bars, to sipping chocolate, it’s become a staple in life he continues to graciously provide!

How often and how much can I enjoy you ask? Well definitely not bags at a time! The recommended amount is several ounces a day, split into several servings. It’s a balancing act between calorie consumption (based on the quality of chocolate and sugar content) and your waistline. Keep chocolate as a part of your regular routine, just try to make it the quality kind to ensure you are getting all the benefits it can provide!

Next time you reach for the chocolate, know you are doing something good for you enjoy it!

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