Spring is in the air & swimsuit season is near

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Mixed in the with snow days, we’ve had some amazing tastes of spring weather!  It has been motivating for me to feel the warm sunshine on my skin and given me resolve to bump up the activity level (which had waned in the winter months) in anticipation of sundresses and swimsuits!

Here is a routine I’ve started doing  by itself in the mornings or at the end of a walk or run.  It focuses on the core and hence focuses on abs, arms, and shoulders – all key areas for the summer wardrobe.

Complete each of the following for  a period of time.  Recommendation is to start at 30 seconds each and complete the list 2-3 times through. After 3 days of the exercises, begin to add 10-15 seconds a day and work your way up to 90 seconds each.



-Start where you can hold plank, without burnout (about to die and fall on your face!)  That could be 15 seconds, 60 seconds, etc

-Hold side plank on your knee

-If the advanced movements are too much to begin with, just go through the basic movements for a few weeks and then begin the advanced for 15 seconds and work up on time.

Helpful Hints:

-If you aren’t familiar with these exercises, google them! It only takes a few seconds there are loads of You Tube videos.

-For plank and side plank, be sure arms are directly underneath your shoulders

 -For lunges, don’t let your knee go past alignment with your ankle when you lunge forward



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