Did you make a New Year’s resolution to be more active this year?

Home » Fitness » Did you make a New Year’s resolution to be more active this year?

If so, great!! If not, maybe tack it on to the list? Physical activity is linked time and again to overall better physical and mental well being.

Being active is different for everyone. Some love it, others despise it. I like to workout in the morning, my husband likes to work out in the afternoon. Some are passionate about running, others run only if being chased (i.e. my brother in law!). Some need a steady routine, others need variety.

The key to activity is finding what you like to do, when you like to do it and taking it slow! Don’t go out the 1st day, run a mile as fast as you can and then not be able to walk for days! Don’t decide to try yoga, go to the advanced class, only to try a headstand and never return due to the embarrassing result!

But try something! If you aren’t active today, try walking around the block for 20 minutes. If you have a current exercise routine, explore something new – move from walking to running a day or 2 a week. Incorporate a yoga class a week into your strength training. Get a little “crazy” and attend a Zumba class!

The goal is to be active, understanding you are unique and your activity plan should match you!

Here are a few suggestions to help you keep your goal. If you’d like to explore your plan further, contact me!

Complete a 5k?

Be sure to download the app to make it easy to follow on your phone

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Want to skip the cold and the gym?

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